NCIS: Sydney

Imports help fill CBS’ strike void

At first, this seemed like desperation.
Faced with strike-time voids, CBS imported shows from other countries. Not just from Canada (which is really just America with more outer-wear), but from Australia and England.
“NCIS: Sydney” arrives at 8 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 14), with eight episodes; “Ghosts UK” (shown here) is at 9 and 9:30 p.m. Thursday with 34. Both deals were set before the tentative settlement of the actors’ strike; now the shows fill gaps until the regular ones return.
But the good news is that both of these temporary stand-ins are worth watching. One is adequate; we could dub it “Ghosts OK.” The other is surprisingly good, in its own copycat way. Let’s take a look: Read more…