Land of Women

It’s a sunny tale with Spanish flavor

At times, the streaming world seems full of sad souls and crumbling kingdoms. Eva Longoria decided to go another way.
“We’ve had a wave of dystopian shows and I’m always, ‘Ugh, I’m so depressed,” she told the Television Critics Associatdion.
So she stars in “Land of Women,” a six-parter (the poster is shown here) that starts Wednesday (June 26) on Apple TV+. “This show is so blue-skies, it’s so escapism,” she said, inspiring viewers to think: “I want to go to Spain and drink wine.”
Which is what she did. She went to Peralada, a winemaking village of 1,860 people, in Spain’s Catelonia region. There, the film crew dictated the pace. Read more…