Disney: What happened after the glory years?
Looking back at the Disney studio where he’d been a star, Kurt Russell had a sharp analysis.
“They used to say, ‘nothing’s changed since Walt died,’” he said. “And I used to say to myself, ‘That’s the problem.’ Because things were constantly changing under Walt Disney. Constantly.”
Disney had some flubs, but he also had innovative triumphs, from “Snow White” and “Fantasia” (shown here) to “Mary Poppins” and the theme parks. Then came …
Well, a new book (Old Mill Press, 2024) by Stephen Anderson is called,“Disney In-Between,” sub-titled “The Lost Years 1966-86.”
That was the stretch between Disney’s death (Dec. 15, 1966, at 65) and the time when Michael Eisner (who took over in ‘84) began to show success with “Roger Rabbit,” “Golden Girls” and “Oliver & Company.” Read more…