Best-bets for July 24: Reality … and daft un-reality

1) “Time Bandits” opener, Apple TV+. Kevin is a likable Sheldon-esque lad. He recites fun facts and is ignored by everyone, including his family. Then time-trekking outlaws arrive. Adapted from a 1981 film, this gets a great boost from the creators of “What We Do in the Shadows” and from Lisa Kudrow (shown here, center, next to Kevin) as the bandits’ sorta-leader. Read more…

1) “Time Bandits” opener, Apple TV+. Kevin is a likable Sheldon-esque lad. He recites fun facts and is ignored by everyone, including his family. Then time-trekking outlaws arrive. Adapted from a 1981 film, this gets a great boost from the creators of “What We Do in the Shadows” and from Lisa Kudrow (shown here, center, next to Kevin) as the bandits’ sorta-leader.

2) “Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars” finale 8-10. Plundering from two Mark Burnett shows (“Apprentice” and “Shark Tank”), the finale has people concoct, package and pitch a product in 36 hours. The results – a resealable alcohol drink for your purse, pancake ready for the microwave– are odd, but entertaining

3) “Sullivan’s Crossing” return, 8 p.m. CW. The opener (rerunning here) feels exaggerated, with police bursting into a dinner to arrest its honoree, But that sets up an involving tale of a doctor who retreats to her Canadian roots. Reruns lead into the second season, on Oct. 2

4) “Wayne Brady: The Family Remix” debut, 10 p.m., Freeform. Mandie Taketa’s life seems like a soap/sitcom plot. She’s a former dancer who married singer-actor Wayne Brady. They divorced, but stayed in business together. This reality show includes them, their daughter (21) and Mandie’s new guy and their son, 3.

5) ALSO: From 9-11 p.m., HBO has the first half of “Charlie Hustle and the Matter of Pete Rose,” a documentary about the baseball star who was banned because of gambling. And at 10, PBS launches “Sea Change,” looking at changes in the Gulf of Maine.
— Mike Hughes, TV America

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