Day: February 25, 2022

Best-bets for Feb. 27: “Idol” leads a superpumped, superbusy day

1) “American Idol” season-opener, 8-10 p.m., ABC. Starting its 20th season (and its fifth on ABC), this is a piece of TV history. It hit No. 1 in the Nielsen ratings for 2005-6, after two years at No. 2. Ryan Seacrest remains as hosts; the judges (shown here) are Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan. This year’s tours reach Nashville, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas. Read more…

Week’s top-10 for Feb. 28: “Race” and “Chef” end; others arrive

1) “The Amazing Race” finale, 8-10 p.m. Wednesday, CBS. TV’s longest race ends. Filming started two years ago, then was delayed by Covid. The final stretch (Greece to Portugal to Los Angeles) has four duos. Kim and Penn Holderness (shown here) launched an Internet career with “Xmas Jammies.” Others are Ryan Ferguson (exonerated after a decade in prison) and his friend Dusty Harris; Arun Kumar and his daughter Natalia; and flight attendants Raquel Moore and Cayla Platt. Read more…