Imagine a grading scale that goes all the way from A to … well, A-plus.
Imagine a 1-to-10 scale being replaced by … maybe a 9.9-to-10 scale.
That’s roughly what watching E’s red-carpet Oscar coverage was like. Somehow, even Billie Eilish (shown here) — who seemed to be wearing her grandfather’s sweatsuit pajamas — was praised for bringing “a new era of fashion.”
There was steep praise for Saoirise Ronan … who seemed to have a puffy little waitress skirt in front. One almost felt she needed a con purse and roller skates.
We like people who are positive … but non-stop positive becomes a negative. As Mister Rogers showed us long ago, if the whol;e world is purple, your purple doesn’t seem very purpley. And, alas, if everyone is an A and a 10, nothing seems special.